
Be the star of your holiday party with this healthy and festive option for the buffet table, a Broccoli Tree. It's among the recipes featured in the Christmas issue of Woman's World magazine. 

Start by taking a 9"x4" Styrofoam cone. Wrap it in plastic wrap. Using 14 cups of broccoli florets, trim the ends flat and insert a toothpick into each floret. Starting at the bottom of the cone and working around it in rows, insert the toothpicks with florets until the tree is covered. Transfer the tree to a serving plate. 

Cut red peppers in half lengthwise; then cut crosswise into 1/4"-wide strips. Cut one yellow pepper in half lengthwise. Using a 2-1/4" star-shaped cookie cutter, cut star shapes from one piece.  Cut the remaining piece crosswise into 1/4"-wide strips. Using a 1" star-shapped cookie cutter, cut out shapes from carrots cut into 1/4"-thick slices.

Arrange pepper strips on tree, tucking ends in between florets, leaving about 1/2" sticking out. Press cherry tomatoes and carrot stars onto toothpicks and insert them in between florets to hold vegetables on tree. Tuck radish slices in between florets. Insert toothpick into edge of yellow pepper star; insert into top of tree.

If not serving immediately, lightly drape damp paper towels over tree, cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate. Serve with your favorite dip.